Located in rural Cedar Rapids, Iowa since 1991, we are a family owned and operated farm specializing in maple syrup, honey, and wild berry products.
In 1991 our family of eight moved from suburbia to the farm and we intentionally set out to teach our children an appreciation of nature. They learned how to raise vegetables, bale hay, and explore the woods for treasures such as nuts and wild berries.
On plat maps from 1888 our farm is labeled “Maple Hill” and those maple trees have continued to thrive and reproduce.
On plat maps from 1888 our farm is labeled “Maple Hill” and those maple trees have continued to thrive and reproduce. Today our “sugar bush” is a very dense and thick. And all natural. We don’t use fertilizer, herbicides, or insecticides. We begin tapping the mature trees in the late winter and early spring; we then boil the sap to concentrate it into syrup. Nothing added.
Initially, we gave our homemade maple syrup as gifts, but as we shared with friends and neighbors, word spread. Strangers began calling to buy our syrups and jellies. In 1995 we decided to offer our gifts from nature to the public. Our products are promoted through word-of-mouth from existing customers, at local farmer’s markets, and now through expansion to a web presence.
For family vacations we enjoyed taking the whole crew to beautiful Table Rock Lake in southern Missouri. Eventually, we bought several condos on the lake and offer them for weekly rental. Check out our TRL Condos tab.

Please contact us and we will be happy to schedule an appointment with you.
Phone: (319) 360-1028
Email: info@sweetmaplefarms.com